Can one ray of light save the universe? Depends on who is holding it.- Yoda
Have you ever wondered that you could be the person who could save the world? I have lost hope. I have always dreamt big, probably some day I would do something worthwhile and that would have a big effect on the world. Is your life predictable always? If you take mine for example, for the past year and a half, its been monotonous, going to the office, checking mails every five minutes, chatting up with friends, browsing the news, having lunch at a specific time, leave the office at a specific time, grab the same old coffee from Starbucks everyday, and also to an extent eating the same food everyday! When I walk into a Starbucks everyday, I can't think of any other coffee than what I drink everyday, be it hot, cold, day or night..always take the same thing..so much so its already prepared before I end up paying at the register. Have you ever tried changing your routine? Has it worked? I end up changing it(not the coffee though) but then the next day, its back to same old routine. Well, coming to the point that needs pondering, have you been able to give something back to the world that has made a change in you or a change in another person's life? There is this website called CRY(Child Relief and You), an Indian organization that helps the poor and parentless children with food, health and education with donations from people around the globe. All your donations are tax free and more than that it gives you a sense of satisfaction in helping someone. It brightens a very dull day in your life while at the same time bringing a smile on a young person who longs for your help. I always feel proud doing this and most of the time try to remain anonymous..but if this really makes me feel good..then I ought to share it with you all. Visit http://www.cry.org/ and try saving a child from the miseries he/she has been bound to so far. Have a nice day.
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